Estimated installs by keyword¶
GET /api/estimated-installs-by-keyword
Query parameters¶
storetype - store type (appstore or googleplay)
storeid - store id of app (for example or 585027354)
country - country ISO code (ex.: US, RU, GB etc.)
query - keyword to search for
timestamp (default: now) - timestamp of search results in ISO format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mmTZD, ex.: 2017-07-16T19:20%2B03:00) Note that plus sign is replaced with %2B
Example request¶
GET /api/estimated-installs-by-keyword?country=CH&storetype=appstore&storeid=1140806271&query=maps
If we have all required information for this request, you will get following response:
Status: 200 OK
"id": <string>, // request id for technical support purposes
"data": {
"query": <string>, // same as specified in query params,
"storetype": <string>, // same as specified in query params,
"storeid": <string>, // same as specified in query params,
"country": <string>, // same as specified in query params,
"timestamp": <string>, // ISO format timestamp of results,
"results": {
"estimated_installs": <integer>
If we need to download some additional data from store’s servers, you will get following response:
Status: 202 Accepted
"key": <string>, //request key for technical support purposes
"detail": "Result is preparing, try in 30 seconds later"
So, try in 30 seconds later and if response will be ready you will get full data.
If store’s servers got no required data or we don’t have required data, you will get following response:
Status: 204 No Content
You may try later to get expected data.